By purchasing vet syringes from, you are asserting that you are over 18 years of age and that you intend to use these syringes for the treatment of diabetes or for another legitimate medical purpose.
It is legal in most of the U.S. to purchase insulin syringes without a prescription; however, you are solely responsible for following the laws in your state. reserves the right to refuse any order in the event that filling such order would violate any federal, state, or local law or regulation.
CA, NV: In California and Nevada, you assert syringes will be used for diabetic purposes or legitimate purpose.
CT, ME, NH, NJ, NY: These states require a prescription for quantities over 10 syringes. If you order over 10 syringes to these states, we must confirm your prescription. Please fax your prescription to (833)-940-1956 or upload it via our RX Submission page.
IL: The state of Illinois requires a prescription for quantities over 20 syringes. If you order over 20 syringes to the state of Illinois, we must confirm your prescription. Please fax your prescription to (833)-940-1956 or upload it via our RX Submission page.
DE, TN: The state of Delaware requires a prescription to order syringes. If you order syringes shipping to Delaware, we must confirm your prescription. Please fax your prescription to (833)-940-1956 or upload it via our RX Submission page.
FL & VA: In Florida and Virginia, you assert that you are not a minor. A minor is anyone under the age of 18. Residents of Miami-Dade, Monroe, & Broward County require an RX prior to shipment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us via the contact form on our Contact Us page.